Saturday, November 17, 2012

TGI Black Friday BABY!! The Best Deals To Furnish A Home Office

TGI Black Friday !!!

TGI Black Friday Hot Deal Picture
Well next Friday anyway!  November 23, 2012, millions of Americans will be stuffed with turkey and the trimmings their tummies can hold.  Then in the wee hours of the following morning, holiday shopping will begin!

I came across a news segment about  This website complies all the ads for Black Friday and posts them on their website!  Also, you can like them on Facebook and see some of the great deals in your news feeds as well. It’s a great to map out your holiday shopping days in advance!

I was looking through the ads to see what things were out there for those who want spend a little holiday cash to get a basic home office up and running.

Let’s see if we can do it with $500 plus tax! TGI Black Friday!!


One of THE most essential components of any home office is the computer. Now, I prefer a laptop. Simply because, if you need to hit the road or prefer to spend the day working at a coffee shop that has WiFi, you can! has posted and advertisement from Dell.
The good thing is the great price. The downside is Dell is changing it’s Door Busters every 3 hours on Black Friday, so the Dell rep I chatted with wasn’t exactly sure when this particular item will be at $299.99. However, you may run across a better deal on that day!
TGI Black Friday!
Wireless printer that can be connected to your printer via WiFi! That means you can print from anywhere in your home.

Wireless Phone:

TGI Black Friday!
 A telephone number connected to a landline is always good for business. It is easy to forward your calls to your cell if you are on the go.

TGI Black Friday!
Finally, you should have a designated area for your home office. Even if you are tempted to take your laptop and sit on your favorite couch to work. This desk and hutch will make the perfect place to hold all of your Black Friday office items.

TGI Black Friday ? Well lets tally the cost.

Laptop                    299.99
Printer                      39.99
Phones                     29.99
Desk                        129.99
 Total                     499.96

BOOM!! A basic home office just under 500 bucks! TGI Black Friday Baby!!
If you are gearing up to start a new business at the start of 2013, treat yourself to these home office basics for a cool $500! Hey, you’re going to use these sale days to take of your Holiday shopping, you might as well add yourself to the list!

TGI Black Friday!!!


Cherise Taylor

Thursday, November 15, 2012

I'm Into Something Good: There's Enough For You Too

I’m into something good.... REALLY GOOD!

This Empower Network thing is life changing. I would really love to see everyone take advantage of the opportunity. The harsh reality is everyone won’t. For whatever reason.... maybe they think it’s something fishy going on, they don’t have time, or the compensation plan seems too good to be true.  Frankly for some, Empower Network is not for them.

It’s just sometimes just want to stand on top of a mountain and scream….


I have to be fair to everyone I know. I have to shine the light back on to myself. I learned about Empower Network from a creditable source…a person I know and love. This person is someone who takes the time to dissect an opportunity to it’s basic fibers before divining in.  But I paused. My excuses at the onset were, “The website was having issues.” I want to wait until I can buy all the products!” “I want to keep all the money in my pockets! I told my sister Cherie about it and low and behold, she joins before me!

Finally, I jump into Empower Network with her and make a sale!  In my first few days, of just scrapping the surface of  the many things going on, I make a sale from a video, about a team member who made  $4500 in one day with Empower Network. All I did was upload the video to Facebook! I told myself then,  “I’m into something good!”

What makes me think…no, what makes me KNOW Empower Network is good? Here’s a break down….

Compensation plan:

The opportunity to make 100% Commissions (minus fees) on 4 Empower Network products (Basic, Inner Circle, Costa Rica Intensive and 15K Formula) and a $3000 commission on a $3500 product (The Master’s Course)!  Residual income and pass up commissions too!

Team Environment:

Between the Empower Network social sites, Empower Hour Calls and being apart of the Empower Network Dream Team, I’ve never felt stuck or without valueable information and support!

Work from Wherever:
Where there is access to a computer and the Internet you can work your  Empower Network business. Stay at home, go to the library or hang out at Starbucks and make money!

Empower Network is growing fast! Its business model and the solid potential to make enough money to fire your boss, (if of course you put in the work) has attracted over 60, 000 affiliates in just over 1 year.
Don’t pause like I did! Put your foot on the gas!  Invest an hour and watch the compensation video! Get your credit card out and join. Start with the $25 basic blogging platform. Upgrade gradually or get all in! It’s totally up to you. If you have been looking for something that you can do from home with a small start-up investment and you are willing to work on your own terms. Then Empower Network is your new gig!

Soon you’ll be saying, “I’m into something good too!

Cherise Taylor

Monday, November 12, 2012

ET The Hip Hop Preacher: App Review!

ET The Hip Hop Preacher, Eric Thomas has an app!

ET The Hip Hop Preacher

Yes, I said and an app for iPhone and Android users!  For those of you who do not know who he is, Eric Thomas is a motivational speaker with an amazing story. He went from being a  homeless teenager living in abandoned buildings in Detroit, Michigan to one of the most sought after speakers today. As I write this blog, ET The Hip Hop Preacher as 42,157 likes and 6,345 people talking about him on Facebook!  Pretty impressive!

Well, the ET The Hip Hop Preacher’s  app is pretty impressive too!

Once downloaded on the iPhone, (I’m sure it is the same for Android) tap the free app and the home screen pops up. You will discover alternating screen savers of Eric Thomas and captions of some of his most famous quotes and more!

“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you will be successful.- Eric Thomas

There is an audio bar, that plays 20 tracks of free interviews and motivational speeches. The app allows you to skip around and listen to the audios that most interests you. You are also given the option to download more audio through iTunes.

There are 13 interactive tabs in the ET The Hip Hop Preacher App that you can use via WiFi or your phone's data connection:

TGIM : Thank God It’s Monday!! video access through the app via YouTube.

Fanwall: A place where fans can leave comments and kudos.

Audio: A list of audio speeches that are available for download directly to your phone via iTunes.

Shopping cart: Access to purchase DVD’s, T-Shirts and Eric’s book Secrets to Success.

Social Media Sites: Direct access to ET’s Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr sites.

Daily Dose: Quick 1-3 line quotes from Eric.

Daily Journey: Note pad to jot down what’s going on in your world.

Photos: a gallery of photos from Eric’s trips all around the world and a place for the app owner to upload their photos of their accomplishments or just a smile.
Eric asks, “Inspire me to inspire you back. “

Developer: A lead capture page for the app developer. What a great way to generate leads!

Overall, I think ET The Hip Hop Preacher’s app is great.
ET The Hip Hop Preacher
The app is user-friendly and by allowing push notifications, you can access items to purchase and link to Eric Thomas’ social media sites via the app! I love that features like the Daily Journal, the Photo Uploader and Fanwall are apart of the interface. I believe these are great tools for fans to use to stay on track to their dreams and for Eric Thomas aka ET The Hip Hop Preacher, to stay connected to thousands of people that he inspires.

Eric Thomas credits his marketing success via his app and mix tape to his team! I must say this about the team they are forward thinkers!

ET The Hip Hop Preacher and his team is phenomenal because they are using technology to market and reach millions of people on the go!


Cherise Taylor

P.S. Make sure you check out Eric Thomas' website

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Summer School Teacher That Taught Life

I was educated in the Chicago Public School System and I was taught a lot about life by a summer school teacher .

I remember the first day of summer school vividly. The class filled with those, who like me, needed a second chance at passing a core high school class. It was noisy and hot. We were so noisy that we unaware that the summer school teacher had entered the room. He sat behind the big square desk quietly facing the window, legs crossed, hands resting in his lap. Immediately, I stopped talking and faced him waiting for him to raise his voice, tap on the desk or something. But he did nothing. This very tall light skinned gentleman, dressed in a suit sat and waited. He was in no rush.  Every now again he’d check the time on his watch. Eventually, he turned and was facing the class. Slowly my classmates started to get it and conversations ceased. When the silence of the room was loud, he began to speak.

“My name is Mr. Boughton.” My summer school teacher  told us that the Chicago Public Schools were paying him to be our teacher. He went on to say that when we were ready for him to work, he’d wait for our queue (silence) and he would begin.

He told us that we’d spent half the class period talking and talking about nothing. Mr. Boughton went on to say, that he would teach us the required curriculum to pass the course and he would also teach us about life.  That’s exactly what he did. Each day we waited, the class quieted down, and the summer school teacher  taught curriculum and life.

I often wonder, what would life be like if there were more teachers like Mr. Boughton at that time? How impactful would his approach to teaching would have been if implemented at the onset of the public education system?

Are there more teachers like the summer school teacher (teachers in general) who approach their students with same one foot in the box and one outside the box teaching style?

Are there more teachers in 2012 so passionate about the lives of their students, that are using their time in the classroom to give life lessons as well as book knowledge? In no way am I saying that the responsibility of life lessons should rest on the teacher. Parents of course, should be at the helm helping to steer their children's lives. I'm just wondering are there teachers who know what I child may be lacking at home and is willing to slip words of wisdom in to their lessons?

Teachers in general are the most unsung heroes on the planet. Teachers like the ones I’ve mentioned, realized that is life is bigger than the classroom so we must be taught life in the arena that has our greatest attention in life, school.

Share a little a bit about your favorite teacher with me. Leave a comment on my blog! I am so grateful for my summer school teacher Mr. Boughton and all who I’ve mention.


Cherise Taylor

Monday, November 5, 2012

Presidental Election 2012: America Votes November 6, 2012

 America votes in less than 24 hours !

President Barack Obama will serve a second term or Governor Mitt Romney may take oval office for the next four years.

America votes, which means the campaigning season is over. Frankly, I’m glad.  I know the campaign season is a necessary evil…and evil it has been. I just don’t understand the mud slinging and negative ads.  Each party has an agenda. State your agenda, rally for votes and let’s keep moving.
After America votes, there will be wound lickers. There will be party supporters that will feel like their needs won’t be met by the future president. And they could be right.  Anyone in leadership is incapable of pleasing everyone. There will always be a line drawn in the sand because what's important to one candidate may not be for the other.

So what do we when America votes and our candidate doesn't win?  We dream again! We make America work for us as it has for others in years past. We still fight for the things that will make America better. We use the opportunities we have as Americans to better ourselves and families.
To place our hopes and dreams on a flawed human being is unreasonable! If we change or minds we change our lives. Dream big!

Here are a few lyrics to a song I wrote with Gregory Screen. I think it sums up how we should approach everyday our lives. Even if Governor Romney is the victor or President Obama takes a second term or takes office in January 2013!

Dream Again
Close your eyes
Can you see the biggest thing you dream
Can you feel the atmosphere as if you’re standing there
Does your heart race
Do you smile
Faintly can you hear voices in the distance that seem to be drawing near
I believe when you dream so vividly.
It's a call from a higher place.
Saying it's your turn get in the race.
Go, dream you can do anything.
The impossible is no obstacle if you believe.
Commit to make your dreams come true.
Work hard until you see it through.
When that dream comes to an end
Close your eyes and dream again.
Go build-invent-design-explore-create and write the pages of our history
Or songs that recall the sweetest memories
The pages of our history – songs that recall the sweetest memories
You can if you believe
Commit to make your dreams come true
Work hard until you see it through
And when this dream comes to an end
Close your eyes and dream again

Yes, America votes for our next President in less than 24 hours!
Make sure your voice is heard! If your candidate doesn't win, remember that you can still live a fulfilled and happy life. It starts with you. Make a choice, take action and live your dream.

"You can if you believe! "

If you like me took advantage of early voting, kudos to you. If you waited until tomorrow, wear comfortable shoes, the lines may be long!

America Votes November 6 2012, and it's going to be an interesting race.


Cherise Taylor

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Will You Really Have A Happy Holiday Season?

Halloween is over that means that the Happy Holiday Seasonis upon us! 

The big boys are ready….Wal-mart, Target, Best Buy,Toys R US, and Macy’s. The question is: Are you?  I’ve walked through these stores before the spookiest day of the year ended. Let me tell, the big boys had strategically placed small displays of holiday items intheir stores as early as the second week in October, to let the buying publicknow, they are ready for us!

Let’s play like the big boys and have a Happy Holiday Seasonthat is filled with giving our potential customers great things to purchase, have enough money to shop for the perfect gifts for our loved ones and still have money in our bank accounts when 2013 comes around.

 Promote YourProduct/Service As away to make extra money:

Use holiday themed advertising to promote your product orservice. Thousands of people will hit the malls and retail stores seeking towork seasonal hours to help pay for their own purchases. Show them the value ofyour online or small business. Emphasize things like “extra money for theholidays,”  “ stay out of the shoppingmadness, working from home." This is a great way to generate leads and recruitsand potential customers.

Highlight a new product or service:

The Apple iPad Mini is definitely on my Christmas List! It was a no brainer that Apple introduced the Mini, on the brink of the biggest shopping season of the year. What item or service can you highlight in your business to draw money cash into your business during this shopping season? Take an inventory of what you have.  Hype up your best seller or get creative and come up with something new.

Discounts and Sales:

Everyone loves a bargain, right? What do you have in your inventory that you can discount? Take an assessment of what you have that you can discount and still make a profit.  Gifts that are $20 or less will make great stocking stuffers, Secret Santa and trinket gifts.

Last Minute Grabs!

The worst time to shop is Christmas Eve! The stores are usually lack luster and bare with picked over merchandise left on the shelves. Be prepared to be the Godsend for the last minute shopper. Create giftbaskets/bags and even gift cards in all monetary values. Advertise via email, text and social media, what you have. And be ready to exchange cash and debit cards and even Paypal for your merchandise. If you are ready, a last minuteshopper is your customer.

 Experiencing a Happy Holiday Season like the big boys is easy!

 Internet Marketers and small business owners lets make a profit! Stores like Wal-mart Target, Macy’s and Best Buy are the big boys because they knowhow to play the game. Lets’ study their playbooks, and create so much income this shopping season, that we too end out the year in the black.  

After all, that is the ultimate Happy Holiday Season!


Cherise Taylor

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Online Business Tips to Conquer The Fear Of Being On the Internet!


The goal of this blog post is to share online business tips for those who want to try internet marketing. Yet you are  uncomfortable because internet marketing seems to invade too much of your personal privacy.

We all want to do well in our businesses. We all want to make money. The major component to online business is to build relationships online. A lot of people may limit their income potential and stay off line because they feel they may have to put too much information on the internet to be successful.

Here are a few online business tips for people who are ready to market their businesses online but are fearful of being on the internet.

Online business tip #1: Create and B.K.A. (Better Know As)

Do you remember being in grade school and high school? The day would be going super slow and you would start to doodle. Somewhere on the back of a notebook you wrote "your name b.k.a your nickname?Use that bka for business. If your nickname is catchy and flows well with your last name use that for your internet persona. If not, make something up and use it.  

Online business tip #2: Choose Who Sees What On Your Social Media Pages

Sites like Facebook use to be for truly socializing, sharing photos, reconnecting with old friends, making new friends. These days, social media is all the rave of for creating a buzz for your business.  If you are uncomfortable with merging your business with your current social media pages. Create new pages or fan pages that are strictly business! Limit your conversation to business topics, posts photos that are relative to your business and "sometimes" add personal things. It helps to build relationship. 

Online Business Tip #3: Establish Email Addresses and Phone Numbers for Business

We always say “separate business for personal” when it comes to offline relationships. We can use this same principal with our online businesses. Set up email addresses and phone numbers strictly for business.  Purchasing a web address with email from companies like GoDaddy helps to secure your web address as well as email addresses that you can use for business only. If you aren’t ready for paid accounts and simple Gmail or Yahoo! account will do just fine.

While we are talking about free. You can also separate your business calls from your personal calls by using services like Google Voice to route calls to your cell or home phone. The beauty of this service is, when some calls your Google Voice number, it appears on your caller id. You can choose to answer or let it go to voicemail and receive an email with a transcribed message.

There you have it a few online business tips for the business owner wanting to market online and ways to keep their personal and professional lives separate.

Lastly, join me in Empower Network. Every person marketing online will benefit from Empower Network. Hey! A $25 investment will get you going.  I hope you use these online business tips to help you jump in the pool of internet marketers and grow your business online!


Cherise Taylor