Every new person that joins a club, a business, a church group or any kind of group is looking for a good team leader.
The more I connect with people in social networks and spend time in my mlm and affiliate marketing businesses, this comment surfaces more than it should, “Well, I joined this….But once I got in, my leader won’t return my calls. “
Here’s the deal, if you are building a team of any kind, especially mlm or affiliate marketing, you must become a good team leader and fast!
Once you sign someone to your business...POOF!!... you are a leader. Your recruits will look to you for direction. Your ability to lead…or not, will determine your success. Especially in mlm and affiliate marketing, we need people to grow our businesses.Here are three (of many) steps from three great leaders are helping ME (and now you!) on my road to be good team leader.
Nicole S. Cooper: Know and Show
On the Mid-Day Motivational call for Tuesday, September 18, 2012, Nicole offered these two pieces of advice:
1. “Know… what you must do, so you can set precedence on what good work ethic is."
2. "Show you are consistent, show you are committed, consistent and serious…so that people will come to you with credit card in hand!”
Know your craft and show it to the world!
Miles Munroe: Be A Lion!
I found Miles Monroe's 10 Attitudes of Leadership Development Sermon, on YouTube. It is posted in 9 Videos.
Dave Wood: Follow The Leader

David Wood, co-founder of Empower Network, says he works on his business a few hours a day and then goes out to play! Here’s Dave's strategy: Build a team, create community, build relationship where everyone can interact. By golly, it works!
My primary business is Empower Network. I am part of Tracey Walker’s Dream Team.
from how to upload a picture on our blog site, to how to interact with
prospects are addressed in our social media groups. Not just by Tracey
Walker and the Dream Team Leadership Council. Anyone in the group is
willing to lend a helping hand.
By joining Empower with me and the Dream Team you will never feel like
you are running your Empower Network business on your very on island!If you are creating any form of community and people see you as their leader, use this information to begin your journey of being a good team leader.
Make sure you BELIEVE YOU ARE a good team leader. Know what you must do to show people you are a good leader to follow. Most importantly, PLEASE don’t just leave people hanging once they swipe their credit card to join you in business! Keep them connected your community! Be a good team leader and you will grow your team and your business!
Blessings and more blessing to you!
Cherise Taylor
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