Most people in regular jobs want to say to their bosses, "I’ll be my own boss ! I’m outta here!”
For some, the work place can be miserable. They would LOVE
speak their minds through a loud megaphone. They want to let their
bosses have an earful of what they REALLY think and chunk them the
deuces on the way out!
But, their financial realities set in:
mortgage/rent, light bill, gas bill, car note, insurance, baby needs a
new pair of shoes, medical benefits, need money to eat.... Their courage
to step out is diminished by the thought of job security. Even though
we've seen in current years, that job security is really NOT all that
secure, we accept our lot and toil our lives away in careers and jobs we
hate for the sake of "job security". All the while our dreams and
God-given talents are either under-developed because they are not in
use. Or, we hold on to the little satisfaction of simply using them to
build some else's dream.If you think, “I’ll be my own boss” often, then step out on faith and do it! Start making the moves right now, while you are in your full-time job. Use your free time, to become and entrepreneur!
One of the greatest lines, I’ve every heard in a movie is from the Great Debaters.

'We do what we have to do in order to do what we want to do".
How fitting is that for a budding entrepreneur or just someone with a desire to try something new!
Starting taking the steps NOW to becoming your own boss.
These steps are inspired by Russell Simmons from an interview with The Wall Stree Journal Digital!
In order to be my own boss, I must:
Find a passion: What is it that you absolutely love that you “would” do for free? You can transform that into a lucrative business.
Go to work on it: Ask yourself, what skill set and knowledge base do you have or can aquire that can mold you into a master of your passion. What is your niche?
Share it: How do you tell people about what you have? How many ways can you market your product or services?
Teach yourself, faith over fear: What things must you do personally to overcome fear of? Fear cancels faith. Equally, faith cancels fear!
Start Today: What can you do to start being your own boss? Figure that out and get going.
If "be my own boss" feels pretty good, then maybe it's time to start your transition yourself into entrepreneurship. You can do this!
Be the Lone Nut that goes against the grain and start a movement in your circle of influence!
Finally, network with people who ARE their own bosses and be a sponge. Soak up all the knowledge you can and apply it.
Do these things and one day very soon, you will be able to tell your employer, “I will be my own boss, I’m outta here!”
Blessings and more blessings to you!
Cherise Taylor
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