Dealing With Disappointment
by Cherise Taylor | on December 4, 2012
If you keep on living, whether it’s business or personal, you will have many bouts with dealing with disappointment.
- Dealing With Dissapointment: Sad Face
I’ve tackled a few in the last 2 weeks. Looking back, I could have done better. I learned, the best thing to do is to learn how to play the card well when it’s dealt. Dealing with disappointment has it’s place. Blaming, wallowing in anger, or drowning in despair, or feeling like God really isn’t in the prayer answering business are sure fire ways of being consumed with utter defeat. It is defeat because it doesn’t allow you to regroup and move toward a positive state of mind. So, it is safe that that it is NOT the way to go!
Here are great ways of dealing with disappointment I found by surfing the internet.
Seeing everything in it’s proper perspective is life changing! I have linked back to the original internet source so that you can read further and apply it when you are dealing with disappointment.
From the blog The DailyOM, Madisyn Taylor suggests:
Accept, Feel, Process and Move On:
-The more we are able to accept how we are feeling and process it, the sooner we will move into new emotional territory.
Don’t Dwell On the Coulda, Woulda, Shouldas:
– The gift of disappointment is its ability to bring us into alignment with reality so that we don’t get stuck for too long in the realm of how things might have been.
Cross the Bridge:
– The beauty of disappointment, though, is that it provides us a bridge to its other side where the acceptance of reality, wisdom, and the energy to begin again can be found.
Dr. Steve Arterburn of New Life Live! says,
Fight Pessimisium:
- Be slow to reach the pessimistic conclusion that God has failed to answer one of your prayers.
Wait and see:
- Let things unfold awhile. See what happens.
Delay is Not Denial:
- Given time, you’ll often find that God has answered your prayers, but in ways so far beyond what you actually prayed that you hadn’t even noticed how richly and abundantly your prayer has been answered.
Iyana Van Zant in the book Living Through The Meantime:
Loving behavior at all times:
- If you are not giving and receiving love in all of your life experiences, you will find yourself in one mean time experience (a place you have to be until you reach the place you want to be! my insert) after another.
The key to dealing with disappointment as you can see is, approaching it in a healthy way.
It’s one of those things you wish you
didn’t have to encounter, be it you are the giver or the receiver of
it. Hey, what can I say…it happens? You never know what goodness is
awaiting you!
Remember this, when dealing with disappointment is done properly, elements of understanding that will aid you in being a stronger, resourceful and wiser person in the long run!
Cherise Taylor
P.S. Join me in Empower Network!
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