Making your New Year’s Resolution ?
Whether it is starting a new business, going back to school or loosing the few pounds you put on during the holidays, keeping your resolution requires work. It is “easier said than done”. Yet, it is do-able.Here’s one word that you can put in motion to make your New Year’s Resolution produce the results you want.
I first read the word in the book Three Feet from Gold by Greg S. Reid and Sharon L. Lechter. I thought, “What a great word! Catchy. Makes you think. Is it made up?” I checked an online dictionary and there it was:Here are 3 things you can use do to add stickability to your New Year’s Resolution !
Decide to stick to it:Your New Year’s Resolution in its simplest form is change. Change requires an overhaul of thinking and continuous movement until it’s achieved. Believe that you can do it! Don’t stop until you see the change. Should you stop, get back into the fight.
Asses your ability to stick to it:
Resolving to change something is great. Knowing your capacity for changing is wise. Does your New Year’s Resolution call for a certain skill set that you may not possess? If so, then your ability to change will require back up. Research what it takes to get the success you want. Apply what you learn. If you need expertise that would take you six years in college to learn. Then find the scholar that has completed the college journey. Either ask them to mentoring you, barter and trade skills, or whip out your credit card and pay.
Get staying power!
Like most, your New year’s resolution will spark and fizzle out like a defective firecracker if you lack staying power. Some people are laser focused and can make anything work. While others need a little push to keep it going. Get a buddy that has the same goals planned as you. Partner up and keep each other motivated and accountable. Start a social media group on Facebook. Create a community of people with the same goals in mind. Give and receive motivation from a group of like minded people like yourself.
There you have it, 3 things you can do to add stickability to your New Year’s Resolution!
Listen, I want you to Experience Empower Network with me! Low start up. Upgrade as you go. If your New Year’s Resolution is
to start a business that has been proven to make massive amounts of
money and help you with stickability, then Empower Network is it!In closing, here are my hopes for 2013.
- May our 2013, be bigger, brighter and better than 2012.
- May we learn to forgive swiftly, learn from our mistakes.
- May we live out our God-given gifts and talents to build our dreams.
- May we love harder, work smarter and give more.
- May our communities be safer and families closely knitted in love.
- May we live out God’s plan for our lives
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.- Jeremiah 29:11 NIV
Remember, Your New Year’s Resolution needs Stickability.
Cherise Taylor
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