Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hope In A Season of Brokenness

It was chilly a morning in Dallas. Probably the coldest so far this winter. I got a text message from one of my sons.  They are staying with a friend until we are able to secure our apartment. This was message:
Mom, it was snowing and cold when I woke up. I really need jeans and a sweatshirt like ASAP!

I set out to Wal-Mart to make a pair jeans and a sweatshirt work with the little cash I had.  I pulled into my parking space and sat for a second. A man slowing approached the car.  I could tell he had been in the cold for a while. He was wearing a royal blue coat, his skin was bright red and his eyes watered from the cold air. Standing at a safe distance, he says, "Excuse me, I was wondering if you could help me with $13 dollars. I need it help pay for a night at a hotel nearby." I replied, "Sir, I am so sorry. I am here to grab my son a pair of jeans and a jacket, with the little cash, I have." He graciously smiled at me and said, "Hey, I totally understand. May God Bless you!"
He walked away, I sat there and prayed.

"Lord, will you provide that man with everything that he needs. You have been so gracious towards us (my family) in our time of need. You are not a respecter of persons. What you will do for one you will do for another. Please help him on today."

I walked into Wal-Mart, passed the self check-out, and there he was paying for one banana with a few coins he had in his hand. I walked up to him and told him, " I can help you get food with my "other card". What do you need? He said, "Well, the Lord has me on a Daniel Fast. I could really use some nuts and something things for salad. " I told him to get what he needed.  He hurried down the busy aisles and grabbed what we needed.  As I stood there across from the produce section, my eye caught the bananas. I went over and grab a full bunch.

The man happily made his way back to me with a small bag of salad and a jar of nuts. I took him back over to the produce section. I asked, "What else do you need?"  He grabbed a bag of apples and some oranges.

As we made our way back to check out or groceries. I shared with him, that my family and I were probably a step above where he was. Had it not been for family, friends and our church, my family would have checked into the same hotel in August.
I told him to hang on! God always provides what we need. He told me that sometimes, God requires brokenness to get us where we need to be.

He was okay with where he was. He said that he was on the Potter's wheel, being made over. He had hope because he had "one foot out of the hole".  He was starting work in a few days at a steakhouse, someone in the parking lot gave him a $20 bill.  I thought, "Wow! God gave him more than just $13 he asked for!"

Before we parted, I asked him what was the scripture that gives him hope. He said with his groceries in hand, "Well I've been in the Psalms a lot. Psalm 23 is always good." Then he thought about it for a second and started reciting the Psalm 91. We promised to pray for each other. I asked his name. He said it was Steve.  Steve headed out the door to his hotel room and I over to the Mens Department to find jeans and a sweatshirt for my son. God is not a respecter of person. He blessed us both!

Here is what I learned from my encounter with Steve.

-Where you are broken, others my be whole or just a little cracked. That means, even in what feels like the worst of situations, we have something to give.  Be willing to show God's love where you are in the capacity in which you have more than enough.
-Where there is brokenness, there is always hope. Don't give up! You can make it. It's not over yet. Keep going!

Brian J. King, Sr., a Mentor, Speaker and Founder of 1 True Hope posted this today on Facebook:
If you're in a tough situation remember the word "Hope". Its definition defeats the odds and opens the possibly of breakthrough. # painmgmt. 

As Steve and I experienced God's love through each other, I pray that this blog post find someone needing hope in a season of brokenness. May Steve and I reach our financial breakthroughs. May you reach your breakthrough (whatever that is for you) and be hopeful in the process!

Cherise Taylor

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