Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Summer School Teacher That Taught Life

I was educated in the Chicago Public School System and I was taught a lot about life by a summer school teacher .

I remember the first day of summer school vividly. The class filled with those, who like me, needed a second chance at passing a core high school class. It was noisy and hot. We were so noisy that we unaware that the summer school teacher had entered the room. He sat behind the big square desk quietly facing the window, legs crossed, hands resting in his lap. Immediately, I stopped talking and faced him waiting for him to raise his voice, tap on the desk or something. But he did nothing. This very tall light skinned gentleman, dressed in a suit sat and waited. He was in no rush.  Every now again he’d check the time on his watch. Eventually, he turned and was facing the class. Slowly my classmates started to get it and conversations ceased. When the silence of the room was loud, he began to speak.

“My name is Mr. Boughton.” My summer school teacher  told us that the Chicago Public Schools were paying him to be our teacher. He went on to say that when we were ready for him to work, he’d wait for our queue (silence) and he would begin.

He told us that we’d spent half the class period talking and talking about nothing. Mr. Boughton went on to say, that he would teach us the required curriculum to pass the course and he would also teach us about life.  That’s exactly what he did. Each day we waited, the class quieted down, and the summer school teacher  taught curriculum and life.

I often wonder, what would life be like if there were more teachers like Mr. Boughton at that time? How impactful would his approach to teaching would have been if implemented at the onset of the public education system?

Are there more teachers like the summer school teacher (teachers in general) who approach their students with same one foot in the box and one outside the box teaching style?

Are there more teachers in 2012 so passionate about the lives of their students, that are using their time in the classroom to give life lessons as well as book knowledge? In no way am I saying that the responsibility of life lessons should rest on the teacher. Parents of course, should be at the helm helping to steer their children's lives. I'm just wondering are there teachers who know what I child may be lacking at home and is willing to slip words of wisdom in to their lessons?

Teachers in general are the most unsung heroes on the planet. Teachers like the ones I’ve mentioned, realized that is life is bigger than the classroom so we must be taught life in the arena that has our greatest attention in life, school.

Share a little a bit about your favorite teacher with me. Leave a comment on my blog! I am so grateful for my summer school teacher Mr. Boughton and all who I’ve mention.


Cherise Taylor

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