Monday, October 22, 2012

Using Social Media To Create A Buzz Is Easy!

Using social media to create a buzz is easy AND it is FREE!

At some point of course, you will want  to move into paid advertising. Until you are ready, take advantage of free methods. The key is exposure! The best way to be exposed is repetition and to be seen. Here are 5 things to do that works.

Make New Friends
Be social, so don’t be afraid to check out who’s who. Send friend request to your friend’s friends. Look to connect with people with like interests. Connect in with friends of friends that can benefit from what you have and vice versa.

Join Groups

Joining  groups is a great way of using social media to grow your following and exposing more people to what you do.

Your goals are to be engaging and be prepared if someone needs what you have to offer. Join groups that you actually have interests in!  If you are a cat lover, don’t join a dog lovers group hoping to get a sale! People can sniff out a phony or a salesperson in a heartbeat.

Post something daily:
First, join several social media sites because people need to know your name! Facebook, Twitter and Instagram are very popular sites. That means, posting comments to your walls every day…as a matter of fact, several times a day. Make sure it’s engaging that will prompt responses. If you have a full schedule,  you can use services like Hootsuite to schedule posts to your social  media pages. There are free and paid versions of Hootsuite. Check it out and see how it can maximize your time using social media sites.

Like, share and chat:
No one likes a one sided relationship! Using social media, is engage others outside of business.  Like the the things you genuinely like on their pages. Post a comment, ask questions. If you see friends available on chat, pop in, say hello and ask what’s going  on in their world.

Create Events
Using social media is a free source to invite the people to events. These can be webinars, Google Hangouts or actual hotel meetings to promote your product and/or services. It can even be to meet a restaurant for dinner just to have fun. Either way, events are timeless forms of bringing  people together that creates an atmosphere of engaging others. It opens the door of inquiry. After the standard greetings, isn’t the next question usually, “So, what do you do?”
Bottom line is this : Use social media, share what you have to offer and to be social is FREE!

Remember these things so you can create a buzz using social media: 

Schedule time out of your day to engage the people in your social network circles.
Seek out new friends, accept new friend requests, like and share other people’s comments.
Chat with friends, invite and except invitations and join groups that are of interest to you.

The key is to be you!  Know that it’s not always about business, it’s about using social media to be social!

Blessings and more blessings to you!
Cherise Taylor

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