Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Look Who's Turning One Today!!

Look who’s turning one today!

Happy Birthday Empower Network!!!

You are growing like crazy! You are probably the biggest one year old I’ve ever seen! In a year, you’ve  reached over 60,000 + members. Talk about growing in leaps and bounds!

Look who’s turning one today!

Empower Network! The very same company that had bank issues and server issues, facebook blocked you’re links and Google + blocked your links.  Yet you’ve reached the one year mark and you are still growing strong day by day!

Here’s what Dave Wood had to say about Empower Network’s big birthday!

Tomorrow marks our one year anniversary in Empower Network - on Halloween, the most badass holiday of the year.

A lot of you have been with us since the beginning, and remember, and have participated in many of our struggles, victories, and

Here's the thing that's excited me the most:

It's been the people's lives who have changed for the better by creating a true 'lifestlye' - a word that doesn't exist anymore in traditional business.

We have people from Lawrence Tam, who's gone from not believing that $12,000 a month was possible - to earning over $137,000 this month, just 12 months after we launched.

Or Tony Rush, who was burned out on phone calls, and couldn't stand another day of the 'bull shit' slavery strategies, who's now made over $114,000 this month, 12 months later - without picking up the phone, prospecting, or doing a single home party.

We have Mack Zidan, who's shot a few emails out on the side, and won every contest we've had since launch.

We have Tracey Walker - who's always been a badass, and now is making an 'extra' $56,000 this month, just 12 months later - working part time - with no 3 way calls, or prospecting of any kind.

What about Rob Fore, who's made an extra $55,000+ this month, or the army of part timers who are paying their bills - with none of the traditional 'nonsense' that all of us hate in Network Marketing.

The list goes on and on - I want to share something with you, this is 12 months after launch, the top 30 earners this month, just 12 months after launch.
Obviously, this is just what our top 30 people have done, and doesn't guarantee income of any kind. Refer to the 'income disclosure' link in the footer on every page of the empower network domain.

This represents not a company, but a revolution in income creation - all of the good, none of the nonsense.

All of the 'badass' and none of the 'wussy.'

All of the 'freedom' and none of the 'slavery.'

I'll tell you - it's time.

This is the beginning.

If you think this is big - just wait till our event in January.

This year, people have earned around $18 million in commissions with Empower Network.

It's time to do more.

I believe with your help, we can make 2013 the best year ever - the next 12 months will be epic.

The goal?

Create 100 people earning $250,000 a month by the end of 2013.

With your help, we can do it.

Let's lock arms - let's fight the forces of evil... and,

Release your inner badass.

Who's ALL IN for the next 12 months?

Look at who’s turning one and let me tell you Empower Network you are a big ole, big ole BABY!!!

Happy Birthday Empower Network!! May WE  have many, many more!!!


Cherise Taylor!

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